A2K 1-year Anniversary
Posted on October 9, 2024
Greetings friends,
As we mark the one-year anniversary of A2K Group, I would like to take a moment to celebrate the remarkable journey we've had and all that we accomplished over the first year of our business. It feels like yesterday that we all gathered in the Philippines to inaugurate our new headquarters in Bacolor, Pampanga last September 2023. What a memorable and inspiring beginning it was to have us all together with grand hopes for the future!
We started our journey by assembling a talented executive team to lead us in our mission to deliver digitalization services to organizations by providing software and hardware solutions, training in creating digital tools, and investing in future digitalization ventures. Alongside that foundation, we established our vision to empower others through the transition towards digitalization with accessible solutions so they can optimize their processes to serve pressing social and commercial needs. As we sought partner institutions in the region to share in this goal and purpose, we signed 6 Memorandums of Understanding and Agreement with universities across Central Luzon.
Our community saw exceptional growth over the year as we built a dedicated and driven team of 10 full-time staff and welcomed in 48 interns from 7 universities both locally in the Philippines and abroad. Even now we look forward to 8 more full-time staff joining us soon as they graduate from university and transition beyond their internships. With so many joining our passionate cause, we saw the immediate need for additional office space and celebrated the expansion of our office last January 2024, increasing our capacity threefold! We know our community and our people are at the heart of A2K Group's success, and our first core value, family, reflects our commitment to fostering a caring community with mutual respect, empathy, and positivity. We hope that all who have joined us this past year continue to feel empowered with skillsets and a community to achieve our shared goals for their careers and aspirations.
The fruits of our community are evident through the amount of digitalization created in just one year. We developed 31 projects with social impact and commercial value, with the majority already deployed and implemented within our own company while being commercialized for implementation with our partners. This includes 8 hardware projects such as our health monitoring device, data center infrastructure, and uninterrupted power supply system; 8 websites including our own company sites, the learning management system, and form consolidator; and 15 applications to digitize processes ranging from a digital badge to facility management, and not least, disaster relief coordination. We were delighted to have the privilege to present some of these exciting products and initiatives at the Mechatronics and Robotics Society of the Philippines (MRSP) Regional Conference and Skills Competition at Don Honorio Ventura State University last May 2024.
We accomplished so much because we champion innovation as a core value alongside ample resources allocated for interns and employees alike to spearhead the development of their own ideas. All these initiatives are supported by our 8 local and global experts each covering unique disciplines working in tandem with our homegrown talent.
We are also thrilled about the establishment of our A2K Academy division this year with its mission to cultivate a dynamic learning environment where aspiring individuals acquire essential computing skills through personalized hands-on instruction from experts in world-class technical facilities. We created this division to consolidate the training of our interns with the aim to also extend these training opportunities to our partners. Through the academy we launched four courses including World of Coding, Physical Computing, 3D Printing and Designing, and Data Science. In the first month alone, the academy trained over 50 select students and faculty members from our partner institutions and we look forward to our upcoming year-long programs. Our academy is one of the many ways we aim to spread awareness and empowerment around digitalization so that we can share the core value of joy that we have in our people, our work, and our purpose. While we also engage in regional conferences and competitions to share our passion with the wider public, we remember fondly the times of celebration within our company, especially our 1-year anniversary retreat in Tagaytay in September 2024.
Looking back on our first year, it's amazing to see how far we have come, how much we've grown, and how much we've achieved together. Reflecting on these accomplishments from the first year alone is a powerful reminder of the positive impact we can create together through digitalization and fills me with hope for all that we will yet achieve in the next!
Here's to another year of growth, exploration, and achievement in the world of digitalization together at A2K Group!